Section 22
22.1 Fundamentals
22.2 Bibliography Format
22.3 Annotated Bibliographies
Bibliographies may appear at the ends of chapters, books, articles, etc. Print bibliographies vary in appearance, but are treated consistently in braille.
List each bibliography entry using 1-3 margins. See Formats, §22.3 to learn how to format annotated bibliographies.
Example 22-1: Bibliography

,leib]1 ;,m4 ;,j41 & ,jamieson1 ;,k4
⠀⠀;,m4 #aiie4 ,race & ,deci.n mak+ )9
⠀⠀juv5ile ju/ice3 ,! import.e ( 3text4
⠀⠀.7,j\rnal ( ,quantitative
⠀⠀,crim9ology.' #aa"<#d">#cfc-#chh4
,p\"p1 ;,l4 #aiie4 ,! ov]repres5ta;n (
⠀⠀m9or;y y\?s 9 ! ,cali=nia juv5ile
⠀⠀ju/ice adm9i/ra;n3 ,racial 4p>ities 9
⠀⠀an urban juv5ile c\rt4 ,9 .7,m9orities
⠀⠀9 ,juv5ile ,ju/ice.' $it$ by ;,k4 ;,k4
⠀⠀,leon>d1 ;,c4 ;,e4 ,pope1 & ;,w4
⠀⠀,fey]h]m4 ,?\s& ,oaks1 ,,ca3 ,sage
Follow print for punctuation and font attributes.
If two or more works by the same author are listed, a long print dash frequently is substituted for the author's name. Use the long dash, spaced as shown in print, to reflect this type of print dash accurately. Follow print if other symbols are used.
Example 22-2: Bibliography with Long Dash

,johns1 ,evan4 #aife4 ,an ,9du/rial
⠀⠀,hi/ory ( ,ont>io4 ,toronto3
⠀⠀,fieldh\se ,press4
",-4 #aiga4 ,canada's ,railroads4
⠀⠀,toronto3 ,fieldh\se ,press4
Example 22-3: Bibliography with Three-Hyphen Dash

,puzo1 ,m>io4 .7,! ,family3 ,a ,novel4.'
⠀⠀,complet$ by ,c>ol ,g9o4 ,new ,york3
⠀⠀,h>p]1 #bjja4
,r[l+1 ;,j4 ;,k4 .7,h>ry ,pott] & !
⠀⠀,*amb] ( ,secrets4.' ,new ,york3
⠀⠀,s*ola/ic1 #aiii4
---4 .7,h>ry ,pott] & ! ,prison] (
⠀⠀,azkaban4.' ,?orndike1 ,,me3
⠀⠀,?orndike1 #bjjj4
Transcribe bibliographies that are entirely in a foreign language in uncontracted braille using the appropriate foreign alphabet symbols.
Annotated bibliographies have descriptive information as well as bibliographic information. List the bibliographic information using 1-5 margins and the descriptive information using 3-5 margins.
Use margins of 1-5, 3-5 for mixed bibliographies that include both annotated and unannotated entries.
Example 22-4: Annotated Bibliography

,l',5gle1 ,madele9e "<#aigc">4 .7,a
⠀⠀⠀⠀,wr9kle 9 ,"t4.' ,new ,york3 ,bantam
⠀⠀⠀⠀,d\ble"d ,dell ,books = ,"y ,r1d]s4
⠀⠀,? ,newb]y ,m$al w9n] is a mixture (
⠀⠀⠀⠀sci;e fic;n & my/icism4 ,two *n & a
⠀⠀⠀⠀fr m/ rescue _! "f f ! fif? dim5.n4
",-4 .7,! ,small ,ra9.' "<#aide">4 ,new
⠀⠀⠀⠀,york3 ,f>r> ,/raus ,gir\x4