Sample 16-3: Sequentially-Numbered Notes

Paragraph with superscript numbered notes; two notes are in the note section at the end of the print page, with each referenced word indicated in bold and followed by a colon

15 ⠀⠀,6my ,"l's 77#a 9 ! morn+1 ": ,i met )
16 ,capta9 ,cutt.e4 ,b my ,"l n 2+ up1 ,i
17 w5t \ 6,*>+ ,cross 6see ,major ,g5]al
18 ,h>rison 77#b hang$1 drawn1 & qu>t]$--:
19 0 d"o "!--he look+ z *e];lly z any man
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23 ⠀⠀7#afbe-afgb71 e>l ( ,s&wi*2 he 0 a
24 ⠀⠀c\s9 ( ,pepys & 8 sup]ior at ! ,naval
25 ⠀⠀,(fice4                           #---

—New Braille Page—

 1 77#b _.,h>rison3 ,?omas ,h>rison   b#edd
 2 ⠀⠀7#afjf-affj71 "o (! p responsi# =!
 3 ⠀⠀execu;n ( ,k+ ,*>les ,i 9 #afdi4
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