Sample 14-8: Verse Play

Verse play with speaker's names in small caps and followed by a period. Bracketed and italicized stage directions appear before the dialogue for two of the speakers

 1 ,f/ ,wit*4 ,7,3t9u+47' ,": "! is no pa?
 2 ⠀⠀⠀⠀"! is no safety--
 3 ⠀⠀,&! w9d is 2g9n+ 2h u1 ! tr1*]\s w9d4
 4 ,! ,w9ds4 ,"! is dang] "h 9 ? sli<t
 5 ⠀⠀⠀⠀/irr+ (a breeze4
 6 ,f/ ,wit*4 ,7,3t9u+47' ,d y -e f ea/ or
 7 ⠀⠀⠀⠀we/8
 8 ⠀⠀,": does ,k9cor? lie8
 9 ,! ,w9ds4 ,x has a p1ce;l s.d2 b xs
10 ⠀⠀⠀⠀signific.e is n p1ce4
11 ,alison4 ,! ,god ( my "f has s5t y 9 me
12 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ne$3
13 ⠀⠀,tell me1 ,i 2see* y1 :om y "k at
14 ⠀⠀⠀⠀,k9cor?--
15 ⠀⠀,or is x1 9de$1 ,k9cor? ,we/] y seek8