Appendix A 
Changes and Amendments

Changes from Braille Formats: Principles of Print to Braille Transcription, 1997 to Braille Formats: Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2011.

This listing is of the most significant changes to this revision.

Section 1: Basic Principles and General Formats

§1.3.4        Use of Nemeth symbols

§1.3.5a      Shared transcription between textbook and specialist Transcribers

§1.7.2d      Capitalization of running heads

§1.10         Print page MsoBodyAppen

§1.12         Letter/number and number/number page numbering

§1.12.1c     Omit hyphen in print page numbers

§1.13.1      Alphabetic print page numbers

§1.14         Braille page numbers

§1.15         Foreign material in English context

§1.15.5      Foreign language punctuation indicator

§1.16         Volume labels

Section 2: Transcriber-Generated Pages and Front Matter

§2.2.1        Transcriber-generated pages (t pages)

§2.3.4b      Title page: capitalization of titles, subtitles, grade levels

§2.3.4h      Publisher's name as part of title

§2.3.5g      Translator's name included

§2.3.6c       Publisher's website

§2.3.6d      Copyright and reproduction notices

§2.3.6d(7)  Canadian reproduction statement

§2.3.6e      ISBNs

§2.3.6f       Printing history

§2.4           Second and subsequent title pages

§2.5.2b      Use of (cont.) headings discontinued (Special Symbols page)

§2.6.1a      Use of (cont.) heading discontinued (Transcriber's Notes page)

§2.7           Front matter (print preliminary pages)

§2.7.1a      p pages

§2.9.1        Format for dedications

§2.10         Tables of contents

§2.10.1      Brief table of contents

§2.10.2f     Use of Page heading (right margin) discontinued

§2.10.5      Text not allowed on lines 1 and 25 when print and braille page numbers are shown

§2.10.6      Table of contents indention pattern

§2.10.7a    Table of contents entries no longer include the continuation letter with the page number

§2.10.8      Capitalization of headings within table of contents

§2.10.14    Transposed material

§2.10.15    Genre table of contents

§2.12         Body matter (main body of text)

§2.12         Description of body matter

Section 3: Transcriber's Notes

§3.2.3        Embedded transcriber's notes

Section 4: Headings

§4.2.2        Braille heading hierarchy

§4.3.4        Blank line between page change indictor and heading

§4.5           Cell-5 headings

§4.5.6        Cell-5 heading followed by cell-5 heading

§4.6           Cell-7 headings

§4.7           Marginal headings

§4.8.4        Changing paragraph headings to cell-5 or cell-7 heading

§4.9           Icons and headings

§4.10         Format for lengthy series of headings

Section 5: Font Attributes

§5.1.4        Font attribute indicators

§5.4.3        Multiple font attributes

§5.5           Underlining

§5.7           Highlighting

§5.9           Substituting print font indicators

§5.10         Words enclosed in shapes

Section 6: Illustrative Materials

§6.2.1a      Retaining captions

§6.2.2b      Colon no longer used with identifier, embedded transcriber's note used

§6.3.2        Descriptions using Effective Practices for Description of Science Content within Digital Talking Books

§6.5           Concept maps

§6.6           Flowcharts

§6.7           Forms

§6.8           Genealogical charts

§6.10         Timelines

§6.11         When a tactile graphic is not produced

§6.12         Screenshots

§6.13         Slide presentations

Section 7: Boxed Material

§7.2           Blank lines

§7.3.8        Adjoining vertical boxes

§7.6           Colored boxes

§7.7           Boxes within boxes

Section 8: Lists

§8.6           Nested lists

§8.7           Bulleted lists

§8.9           Outlines

§8.10         Annotated lists

Section 9: Displayed Material

§9.2           Format for displayed material

§9.2.2        Adjusted left margin

§9.3           Epigraphs

§9.4.1d      Attributions, followed by blank line

§9.5           Source citations and permission to copy

§9.6           Cross-references, Incidental notes

§9.7           Correspondence and diary entries

§9.7.2        Instructional correspondence

Section 10: Exercise Material

§10.1.6      Questions and answer choices on same page

§10.2.2      Blank line between running head and directions

§10.2.3      Blank line between page change indictor and directions

§10.3         Directions

§10.4.2      Exercise questions with answer choices, indentions

§10.5.1      Write-on-lines are omitted before and after questions

§10.6.1      Omission dash

§10.6.6      Spacing of omission dash and number, letter, or answer cue

§10.6.12    Retain question mark representing write-on-line

§10.6.13    Words or sentences with regular or superscript numbers or letters connected to blanks

§10.7.2      Displayed text in exercise material

§10.8         Format for exercise examples, sample questions with answers

§10.9.2      Transcriber-created headings enclosed in transcriber's notes symbols

§10.10       True-false exercises

§10.11       Pictures in exercise material

§10.11.2    Picture descriptions not limited to seven words

Section 11: Tables and Related Columns

§11.1.2       Spreadsheets

§11.4.1       Column headings limited to two lines

§11.4.4       Blank line before repeated column headings

§11.6.1       Column entries limited to two lines

§11.6.1f      Two or more guide dots (changed from three guide dots)

§11.6.4       Omissions and blanks

§11.13        Wide tables on facing pages

§11.18.1     Stairstep limited to four columns

Section 12: Sidebars

sidebars      Entire section

Section 13: Poetry and Song Lyrics

§13.5         Shape poetry

§13.6         Poems with irregular poetic lines

§13.8         Reference marks and notes in poetry

§13.9         Scansion

§13.10       Hymnals and songbooks

Section 14: Plays, Cartoons, and Graphic Novels

§14.2.1a    Cast of characters (heading)

§14.2.2      Cast of characters (punctuation)

§14.2.4c    Repeated cast of characters in subsequent volumes (page numbering)

§14.4.1a    Stage directions enclosure symbols

§14.8         Conclusion of play

§14.9         Interviews

§14.10       Cartoons

§14.11       Graphic novels

Section 15: Line-Numbered and Line-Lettered Text

§15.3.1b    Line numbers retain numeric indicators

§15.4.1d    Transcriber's note is required when transcribing line numbered text

§15.7         Poetic rhyme scheme

§15.7.2      Poetry with line-lettered rhyme scheme

§15.7.3      Poetry with line-numbered rhyme scheme

§15.8         Counted words, Timed reading

Section 16: Notes [Entire section]

§16.1.3      Reference indicators

§16.4.1a    Note separation line

Section 17: Spellers

§17.2         Spelling word lists

§17.6         Definition lists

§17.8         Blanks and omissions

§17.8.2      Omitted letters

§17.9         Intentional errors

§17.10       Crossed-out letters

§17.12.1    Mathematical symbols

§17.12.2    Arrows

Section 18: Grammar

§18.3.3      Freestanding punctuation

§18.3.4      Punctuation in unusual configurations

§18.3.8a    Dot 3 used to represent each character in swear words

§18.3.9      Enlarged print grouping symbols

§18.4.1      Analogy symbols

§18.6         Proofreading marks and edited copy

§18.9.1      Spatial sentence diagramming omitted

Section 19: Codes and Puzzles

§19.4         Morse Code

§19.5         Crossword puzzles

§19.6         Word puzzles and letter searches

§19.7         Sudoku

Section 20: Tests

§20.6         Standardized state tests

Section 21: Pronunciation

§21.1.2      IPA symbols are in a separate document

§21.4.1      Table of diacritic symbols

§21.5         Instructional content

§21.7.6      Format for summary keys

Section 22: Alphabetic References

§22.2.4       Cross-references

§22.2.5       Letter sequence on title page

§22.3.1       Guide words, print

§22.3.2       Guide words, braille

§22.3.2i      Compound hyphen used for hyphen in contact with the dash

§22.8.3       Terminology

§22.6.3       Variant spellings of entry words are not contracted

§22.6.4       Format for combined English/Foreign Language Glossaries

§22.7         Thesauruses

Section 23: Bibliographies

§23.2.3       Three hyphens used for long dash

§23.3         Annotated bibliographies